Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New marking on skin, not sure what it is?

Hi everyone. I have not told anyone yet as I recently realized this but about a month ago I saw these three large pale freckle looking things on my neck. I just realized they are still there, I'm kind of worried. I tried to wash them off and scratch them off (I know thats silly but I didnt know what to do lol). I felt them and they feel SLIGHTLY different then the rest of my skin. They look like a large very light colored freckle. I was wondering what this could possibly be? I'm not sure what skin cancer looks like, I thought it only showed in freckles and moles, not make new skin markings. Could it be skin cancer? Or maybe liver spots, that older people (like around the 80's) usually get?? Do liver spots come from liver failure? Is that possible for a 20 year old? Sorry, Im very paranoid, obviously I will tell my mom tomorrow and ask if I should go to the doctor or not. Thank you all in advanced!

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