Thursday, July 14, 2011

Atheism and the paranormal?

That those rare instances of the unexplained events are just that, unexplained. It is not good to form an opinion of fact on something you have little understanding of. There may, indeed, be occurrences of real foresight, telekinesis, etcetera. I believe such phenomenon is real. We just don't have the understanding of it yet. I do believe that science will eventually understand such phenomenon and support the validity of such and it will not be paranormal anymore, but normal because we will understand it better. So, don't close your mind to it, but don't make a big thing about it either is my advice. Keep an open mind and remember it's very easy to over-rationalize things. If you look at something in a certain light with preconceived notions enough, that is how you will conclude it in your mind whether it is accurate it or not. There really is no room to say that all such phenomenon is not real, unlikely to be real, or only the result of human imagination or hoax.

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